Our apartment provides a beautiful view of Mt. Chimborazo, a snow-capped volcano. God uses this mountain as a daily reminder that we must look to Him for help. August 17th marked 6 months since we landed in Ecuador. If we have learned one thing, it is that we must always look to God for help. Adjusting to third-world living brings many challenges – cultural, linguistic, and environmental. We are currently in the dry season, which means clouds of dust blow everywhere, adding to the existing filth of the city. During times of frustration, discouragement, or loneliness, the easiest thing to do is focus on the horizontal. However, every time we see the mountain, we think of Psalm 121. Rather than focusing on the challenges around us, we must raise our gaze to the hills and remember that the One who created those hills is our ever-present help.
Our time in Ecuador has flown by so quickly, and August was no exception. With the return of our Field/Area Leader, the wives of the church leaders have begun studying a book based on the Titus 2 woman. We are thankful for the opportunity to meet together. Our Tuesday night study in Guano has been put on hold due to COVID concerns. Please pray for the unbelievers involved in this study. They need to understand that their biggest concern is not a virus, but rather where they will spend eternity.
In addition to unbelievers’ fear of COVID, many believers are still afraid to come out. Others are not willing to come back to church, and they use the virus as an excuse to stay home. We are working hard to encourage all the believers to return to church. On Sunday, September 5th, we are having a special service to rededicate Iglesia Cristiana Gracia y Paz. Our prayer is that this special day will encourage people to physically be part of the church body.
Something exciting happened last week. We’ve asked for prayer regarding a new Bible study with Luís, who made a profession of faith in May. His wife, Nube, has been a believer and prayed for his salvation for 15 years. They have three adult sons and one young daughter; they have heard the truth but have not placed their faith in Christ alone for salvation. Last week, we held our first study, and it took place in the house of Rolando, one of their sons. Rolando’s wife and father-in-law attended the study. This is incredible! One key aspect of the Ecuador ministry philosophy is to hold Bible studies in the homes of unbelievers. This helps them to be accountable and helps their faithfulness to the study. We will always show up, but if the study was in our home, they may easily find an excuse to miss the study. While this year is a year of learning and orientation, we are so thankful for the opportunity to be part of this study. This is why we are here - to share the Good News of Christ. Kevin Mayfield is leading the study, but Jeff will have opportunities to lead later this fall. Please pray for the salvation of Rolando, Hilda, and Geraldo.
Last week we also took a trip to Quito to continue the process of applying for a driver’s license. The process is far more complicated than what we were told, and we have several more steps before we can enroll in the driving school. Please pray for patience and wisdom as we navigate the process. While inconvenient, we are thankful that this is only the first setback we’ve had in our paperwork, and it is only by God’s grace that our most important paperwork was completed in a very short amount of time!
Thank you for your faithful prayers for us!
In His service and yours,
Jeff, Lisa, and Simon
Simon Says:
We went to Quito so Mommy and Daddy could work on some paperwork. I don’t understand what they were doing, but Quito meant that I could go to Burger King, and I even got a Cookie Monster donut at Dunkin Donuts! Trips to Quito are a lot of work for everyone else, but I always have a lot of fun. Next month I will turn 3 years old!
Praise and Prayer:
Praise: The Creator-God is our help
Praise: New Bible Study
Pray: Special service on September 5th
Pray: Salvation of Rolando, Hilda, and Geraldo/Guano group
Pray: Driver’s license process
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