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The Hammer and Chisel | January 2025

"For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure."

~ Philippians 2:13 ~

One of our supporting pastors recently reminded us that as we enter a season or field of ministry, we often go with our hammer and chisel, anticipating the work that we will do. However, the ministry we do often becomes the hammer and chisel that God uses to work on us. We have found this to be true in this season of Stateside ministry. We came with our tools, understanding the work that we are to do, but God has used it to humble us, sharpen us, and mold us into what He desires us to be. We are thankful for His sanctifying work, and the lessons we are learning. We serve a God who loves us too much to leave us as we are. Rather, He wants us to look more like Christ, both for His pleasure and to make us more useful for His service.


We’re happy to share that we have purchased tickets for our return to Ecuador!!!! While the overuse of exclamation points can be improper or overly dramatic (and we do try to use them sparingly), we hope they convey the anticipation and excitement produced by our impending return. We are anxious to get back to our home, the ministry, and yes, our dog. The Lord was kind and allowed us to find great prices and convenient flight times. Unless He changes things, we fly to Ecuador on Sunday, May 11th. 


In the meantime, we still have much to do! Since Thanksgiving, we’ve had some time to rest, work on some ministry-related projects, and connect with friends and personal supporters in the central PA area. We also enjoyed the opportunity of sharing about Ecuador in a Christian school. It was a blessing to spend the holidays with family and make special memories together. Our time of “rest” comes to an end this weekend as we begin a new season of meetings and traveling. We have a full schedule from now until mid-April, and we’re excited to continue sharing how God has been working in Ecuador. For our schedule, please click HERE.


We still have many friends, family members, and supporters that we haven’t been able to connect with, and we look forward to doing just that in the coming months. We continually covet your prayers as we travel - for safety on the roads, home schooling along the way, and for good health. In the 6 months we have been Stateside, we have faced just about as much sickness as we experienced in our 3.5 years in Ecuador! That has been another part of God’s hammer and chisel in our lives. We’re thankful for God’s help and His grace along the way.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support for us and the ministry in Ecuador, SA. We could not

do what we are doing without you.

In His service and yours,

The Mayfield Family

The Double Scoop:

In our break from traveling, the boys have enjoyed playing in the SNOW. We’ve been praying for snow for over a year, and God gave us several opportunities to enjoy it. The boys also enjoyed visiting the different libraries in our area. Ecuador does not have libraries, so this has been a treat for all of us. Titus is beginning to use more words, and we’re thankful for his growth and development. Simon has enjoyed learning about American football, but he is still an avid fútbol (soccer) fan.

Praise and Prayer:

  1. Praise: God uses all things to grow us 

  2. Praise: Return tickets purchased

  3. Praise: Break from traveling

  4. Pray: Final meetings Feb-April

  5. Pray: Completion of school

  6. Pray: Health and safety

  7. Ecuador's primary presidential election (2/9)


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Our hearts are burdened for the Ecuadorian people who have never heard the Gospel, people who have been blinded by traditions and customs. We hope to reach these people with the love of Christ. Our desire is to build the church by evangelizing the lost, making disciples and training leaders. 

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