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Adelante - March 2020

"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do:

forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

~ Philippians 3:13-14 ~

In Spanish, the word Adelante is an adverb that means forward. It can also be used as an interjection meaning “go on!” or “carry on!” In many ways, it feels like life has come to a halt. In the last two weeks, schools have paused or even stopped teaching, churches no longer meet in a building, and many people are not permitted to leave their homes. Our lives have drastically changed. It’s easy to stop in fear and confusion as we try to figure out where to go from here and how to adjust to this “new normal.” While we may not know how long this season of quarantine and isolation will last, we can “carry on” doing what God calls us to do by reflecting His image, fulfilling our roles as parents, children, brothers, sisters, and ambassadors for Christ. May God help us to continue “Adelante!”

March was a month to remember! There were many “firsts” for everyone around the world. We began the month hearing about COVID-19 without much thought of its effect on us. In many ways, it seemed very far away from south Texas. This month also marked the midterm point in our semester, so we had many projects prior to spring break. Jeff had to share a personal experience in Spanish, and Lisa had several papers and presentations to prepare. These projects were helpful because they stretched us. Lisa’s projects required her to speak a lot of Spanish with the Bible students of RGBI. Jeffrey’s presentations sharpened his public speaking ability. Through these opportunities, God is preparing us to serve Him in Ecuador!

Spring Break was longer than anticipated. Like many schools across the US, we had a two-week break, and now all classes are online. We’ve made it through two days, and we are continuing to learn. While learning Spanish online is a challenge, we know that others face greater challenges. As students and teachers all over the globe continue adjusting to a new normal, we praise the Lord that we can lean on and trust in the One Who never changes!

We do ask that you pray for the international students who are making adjustments. They are unable to go home because most of their countries have closed their borders. Many of the students have made great sacrifices to come and study here. Please pray that they will continue to learn through their online classes.

One blessing that we’ve experienced as a result of the quarantine, is the opportunity to participate in the services of our sending church and many of our supporting churches. We are still able to watch our Spanish church online, but we are so grateful for technology and the privilege of fellowshipping in this way. The preaching and music at these churches has been of great encouragement to us!

We do want to update you on the COVID-19 situation in Ecuador. The whole country has a tight curfew where they can only go out 2 days a week between 5am and 2pm. While the churches are not able to meet in person or do any type of livestream, Jeff’s parents and our national coworkers, the Cruz family, are able to minister through video recordings and video calls. Praise God for continuation of the work in Ecuador!

We do have some happy news to share, in the midst of this difficult time. Our coworkers, the Woodfins, have announced that they are expecting their 4th child, due in September. Please pray for wisdom as they plan for the fall. Please continue to pray for their support. With the current situation with COVID-19, meeting opportunities are scarce.

Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf!

In His service and yours,

Jeff, Lisa & Simon Mayfield

Simon Says:

Daycare is canceled for the rest of the semester, which means I get to be with mommy and daddy all day, every day! I do miss Mine but I sure am glad to be with them. Daddy and Mommy made so many cool things for me to play with this month! Pray for them as they have to learn to do school with me running around their feet!


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: A God Who is stable and constant

2. Praise: God’s help with midterms

3. Praise: New Woodfin baby

4. Pray: International Students

5: Pray: Online Classes

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