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But indeed, He has Risen! - March 2024

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 

~ 1 Corinthians 15:20-21 ~

On Palm Sunday, we celebrated the baptisms of 7 people in our church. Since we just celebrated the resurrection of Christ, we have been thinking about how the resurrection gives us greater cause to rejoice in what took place with the baptisms. If Christ had not risen, baptism would be in vain. Our ministry in Ecuador would have no purpose, your prayers for us, the faith that we all cling to, would be futile. But in fact, Christ has risen from the dead. He gives us life, He gives us hope and a purpose for living. One day, He will put all things under His feet,  in subjection to His power. Praise the Lord, He is risen indeed. 

Where we’ve been 

We continue to be encouraged and thankful for what God is doing here in Ecuador. As we shared previously, we held a baptism last month. It was a special day together with our church family, rejoicing with those who made a public declaration of their faith. We were so thankful for the leadership of the deacons; the majority of the day was actually coordinated by them! One provided the location for the baptism, and another arranged the bus transportation. The other deacons were involved in serving the food and coffee. We greatly appreciate their growth and desire to serve; this is a very healthy sign in a church plant.

We also see God working in the lives of those with whom we have weekly Bible studies. On Tuesdays, Jeff and Bobby meet with a young couple who is learning how to evangelize. The husband is a military man who works in guarding a prison in military tanks. He often comments how as he is working in the tanks with other men, he is able to talk about God and share the Scripture passages we looked at during that week’s Bible study. Another way we see God working, is in the life of Paulina, who trusted Christ in February. We have been studying biblical communication in marriage and relationships, and she is able to use what she is learning as a counselor at a local high school. Praise God for how His Word continues to change lives.

A small aspect of our ministry here is music. Throughout the year we introduce new songs to the church, and then holidays always provide opportunities to incorporate special music into our services. We always enjoy these occasions, and Easter was no different. We enjoyed organizing different groups. Lisa was able to write new verses to two of the songs so that they had a better emphasis on Easter. Part of the music ministry also involves training some of the younger generations in how to use their abilities to glorify God.   It is a joy to see these young christians use their music to point people to Christ. We thank God for His help and blessing on our Easter services. Thank you so much for your prayers for those events!

What we’re up to

At the end of the month, we are looking forward to having some friends from our mission board visit us and the Woodfins. They serve as photographers and videographers, and they will be traveling to Ecuador to see the ministry and document our first term on the field. We don’t have visitors often, so we are looking forward to this time together. When they leave, Kevin and Trina will be returning for our Ecuador field conference during the first weekend in May. April will pass quickly!

As we look to the next few months, we must also start making more preparations for furlough. Part of this includes working with some of the leadership women to take on the teaching of the ladies during Lisa’s absence. Please pray for wisdom for Lisa as she talks with these ladies and seeks to encourage and equip them to serve in this way. We are still in search of a vehicle for our travels. Another prayer item for furlough is that we will be able to find a reliable person to watch our house and our dog. We know God is in control of this, so we are praying that He will help us to know what His will is in this respect.  Thank you for your faithful prayers for us!

In His service and yours,

The Mayfield Family


The Double Scoop: 

Titus turned 2 last month, and he transitioned from his pack and play to a “big boy bed.” He has adjusted well, so we’re thankful for that. Another thing that we are so grateful for, is that during the week of Easter, Simon trusted Jesus as his Savior!! We want to thank you all for praying with us in this respect. We are thankful for Simon’s clear understanding of the gospel, and we pray for the Holy Spirit’s continued work in him! 


Praise and Prayer: 

1. Praise: Christ has been raised from the dead

2. Praise: Baptisms on 3/24 and Easter services 

3. Praise: God working in the lives of believers

4. Praise: Salvation of Simon

5. Pray: Wisdom for Lisa as she works with the ladies

6. Pray: Furlough preparations


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