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Declaring His Glory - May 2019

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!

For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all the gods.”

~ Psalms 96:3-4 ~

There are many things in life that we describe as being glorious. “Did you see that glorious sunset last night?” Or, “He had a glorious military career!” Sometimes, we cause words to lose their significance by overusing them or attributing them to the wrong things. Thankfully, we serve a God Who truly is glorious. As we go to declare His glory, we do this because He is great, and his glorious greatness is worthy of all praise! As we worship God personally and corporately, the outflow of that worship should be evangelism. Missionary William Carey said, “What is there in earth worth living for but the glory of God and the salvation of souls?”

We certainly have much cause to praise God! Since our May meetings were in the same general area, we only had to travel on Sundays. This was an incredible blessing! During the month of April, we traveled over 3,000 miles. In May, we only traveled about 400 miles for our meetings. We all enjoyed the break from the arduous time on the road! God allowed this month to be one of spiritual and physical refreshment. We have a very full schedule for the next three months, so we appreciated the respite time. We are also thankful for the opportunity to work on some reading for our upcoming training in July.

God has done some amazing things for us this month! The first church that we visited, Temple Bible Church, has already voted to partner with us. God has also brought along several individual ministry partners. Through these new partnerships, our monthly support level has reached 85%. Several individuals have given towards our Outgoing Expenses, and that has risen to over 50%. This is all praise to the Lord! Please be in prayer for other churches and individuals who are praying about a financial partnership with the ministry in Ecuador.

We are so thankful for the churches that God allowed us to visit this month. He gave so many wonderful opportunities for fellowship! Our schedule allowed us to visit the churches on Sundays and Wednesdays. This rarely happens, so we are always thankful when we can become better acquainted with the church people. We met a missionary family who just finished their first semester of language study at Rio Grande Bible Institute (where we plan to attend). It was helpful to talk with them and hear about several Ecuadorian nationals at RGBI!

This weekend we will be ministering at Crossroads Bible Church in Candia, NH. We visited this church back in October, and we had such a sweet time of fellowship there. The Pastor and his wife were particularly encouraging to us, so we are very excited to see them again. The following week we will be at Grace Baptist Church in Rochester, NH. Later this month, we have a meeting in northern Michigan, then we will finish out the month in Greenville at our sending church. For our full itinerary, please click HERE. Please pray for safety as we travel! We have already traveled through several bad storms and experienced tornados, so we are thankful for the safety God has already provided.

As always, thank you for your faithful prayers on our behalf. God is doing great things, and we are excited to see how He is working! Thank you for the part that you play, through your prayers!


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: Increased Support – Monthly and Outgoing Funds

2. Praise: Less traveling in May

3. Praise: Good fellowship at churches

4. Pray: Churches and Individuals praying about a partnership

5. Pray: Safety in traveling


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