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Praying for Care - June 2019

"Finally, brothers, pray for us...that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men.

For not all have faith." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2

Throughout his writings, Paul gives many prayer requests for his ministry. Our mission board, Biblical Ministries Worldwide, has compiled these requests into seven specific ways to pray for missionaries around the world. We will be sharing these with you over the next few months. The first area of prayer is CARE. In 2 Thessalonians 3, Paul asks for prayer for deliverance from “wicked and evil men,” – people who are opposed to the Gospel ministry! Whether it is deliverance from wicked men, or safety on the road, please pray for the care of missionaries around the world.

Our last few weeks have been very busy, which gives us cause to praise the Lord! We began the month by traveling to New Hampshire where we presented in two different churches. The first church was a revisit to Crossroads Bible Church, whom we visited back in October. The Lord gave us a wonderful time of fellowship, as well as the opportunity to minister through preaching and music. We are so thankful for the recent partnership of this church family.

Our second meeting was at a new church – Grace Baptist Church. We were so thankful for the care that these brothers and sisters showed us. They decorated their fellowship hall in Ecuador colors, and they even had a special cake for us. God gave us many ministry opportunities here, and we are so thankful for them.

We then made our way up to Millersburg MI. We were able to stay with a very kind family that lives right along Lake Huron. This was just a weekend trip, but the people were so gracious and spent a lot of time getting to know us. Jeff also had the opportunity to speak to the teens at the church. Throughout our travels, many churches have asked us to pray for them to have wisdom in regard to a financial partnership with our ministry. As they have asked us to pray for them, we also ask you to pray for the churches we have visited and mentioned in these letters - that they have wisdom to know what God desires of them.

We are always glad to report what God has been doing as we travel. Many of you know that Simon did not travel well in the beginning. God has really been helping Simon to travel a lot better. We can now go about 8 hours at a time with good cooperation from Simon. Another way God has been working is directing us to the churches He wants us to serve in. In addition to Crossroads Bible Church, God has brought along Church of the Open Bible in Burlington, MA as a financial partner. Because of His leading and provision, we are so thankful to be able to share that our support is now at 93%!

As we draw closer to our goal of 100%, our thoughts and hearts turn to the current ministry in Ecuador. At this time, our national coworker, Marco Cruz, and his wife, Marlene, are diligently working to build relationships with the people of Guano. They continue to meet with a couple, Wilson and Patricia, and are in the beginning stages of a Bible study. They also travel to another region of Ecuador, Aguas Frias, to meet with a group of believers who are forming a church. Please pray for ministry growth in Ecuador and for the salvation of Wilson and Patricia!

We ended the month of June in Greenville at our church. It is always so refreshing to be with our church family. We are so thankful that we could be here for a special service with Paul Seger, the general director at BMW. The next steps in our travels are as follows: Atlanta GA for training at BMW’s home office. We are thrilled to be completing our last two weeks of training! From there, we will head to Greenville for a quick weekend trip, followed by a trip to Indianapolis, then back down to Rock Hill, SC. While we are very thankful for these meetings, the trips are lengthy and not strategically located. We ask for continued prayers as we travel on the roads. For our full itinerary, please click HERE.

Looking further ahead, we have applied for language school for January of 2020! We are thrilled to be at this point. Language school will take place in Edinburg, Texas at Rio Grande Bible Institute. However, we are still lacking 7% of our monthly support. Please pray that the Lord will provide the remaining 7% by the fall.

As always, thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf. We could not do what we are doing without you!

In His service and yours,

Jeff, Lisa and Simon



Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: Monthly Support at 93%

2. Praise: Final training July 8-19th

3. Pray: Churches and Individuals praying about a partnership

4. Pray: Salvation of Wilson and Patricia/Ministry in Ecuador

5. Pray: Safety in traveling

6. Pray: Remaining 7% of monthly support


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