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Praying for Christlikeness - September 2019

"Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ..."

~ Philippians 1:27 ~

It has been said that going to the mission field is like pouring Miracle-Gro on all your sins. That is to say, when you go to a foreign field, your deep sins and struggles come to the surface. If you struggle with something in your home country, that struggle is compounded in a foreign context. Missionaries are often watched closely to see if they live out what the preach. If we fail to accurately represent Christ, it could cause resistance to the Gospel. Please pray for us, for missionaries everywhere, to be Christlike!

The month of September came and went with a bustle of activity! We covered a lot of miles (3,700!), and we still have a lot to complete! The month commenced at a conference in Hampton, VA. God graciously allowed us to meet many wonderful believers! We are so thankful for the opportunity to spend time at a church with a passion for missions. God provided several ministry opportunities in music, preaching, speaking, and we even had the opportunity to serve in the Spanish ministry.

Following the conference, we were able to visit three of our supporting churches in Pennsylvania. Two of the churches partnered with us within the last 4 months, and this was our first opportunity to revisit them since their partnerships began. From there, we continued visiting supporting churches in West Virginia and Colorado. Praise God for safety and the opportunity to fellowship with these churches. It is a blessing to revisit churches so that we can build more relationships with our ministry partners.

Where do we go from here? We are currently in Kansas, assisting our mission board, Biblical Ministries Worldwide, with a video project about the deputation process. Following that, we head to Michigan for our final deputation meeting. For our full itinerary, please click HERE. There isn’t much on there between now and Language School!

In addition to the praise items previously mentioned, we would like to praise God for providing an apartment on campus for our time at Language School. We have been praying to this end because housing can be limited, especially since we are starting in January, rather than the fall.

As you continue to pray for us to be Christlike, please pray that we would be faithful. While we have 100% of our support, that does not mean our current phase of ministry has ended. We still have tasks to complete and churches to visit. Please pray that God would help us to serve well so that we can finish our course “with joy,” as Paul says in Acts 20:24.

Another prayer item is that God would provide more workers for the field of Ecuador. God has provided many contacts in Ecuador. Indeed, the fields are ready for harvest, but we are severely lacking in fellow laborers. Please pray with us in this! God may be calling you!

As always, thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf. We could not do what we are doing without you!


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: Safety while traveling

2. Praise: Good fellowship with churches

3. Praise: Housing for Language School

4. Pray: Christlikeness and faithfulness

5. Pray: More workers for Ecuador

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