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Remember to Remember - February 2020

As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me.

You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!

~ Psalm 40:17 ~

How often do you forget things? Since transitioning to Texas, we seem to be forgetting many things: When the temperature reaches 89 degrees, we forget that it is still winter. When we are surrounded by people of a different tongue and culture, we forget that we are still in the United States. When our path is smooth and classes are going well, we forget our need of constant dependence on God. Our fickle, human hearts forget so easily. Thankfully, we serve a God Who always remembers us. He knows our frame. He remembers that we are dust. As He remembers and takes thought of us, He is faithful to help. Someone once said, “Remember the God Who remembers you.” May God help us to remember Him and rely on Him each and every day. “Do not delay, O my God.”

After all the sickness of January, we finally feel like we’ve established a good routine for our family. We have adjusted to the schedule of our classes, the requirements, and the time we must dedicate to homework and study. It is hard to believe that midterms are quickly approaching! The projects are accumulating, and the exams are daunting. Please pray for us as we face these new challenges in the next two weeks.

We are enjoying our home here in Texas. God provided an on-campus apartment with two bedrooms and an office; this is the largest space we’ve ever lived in! While we traveled on deputation, we never stayed in one place for more than a month. We have now lived here for almost two months, with no need to pack a suitcase. This is a tremendous blessing for us! Another blessing is in regard to fuel. When we traveled on deputation, we had to fill our gas tank 3-4 times a day. Now, one tank of gas lasts for almost a month. Praise God!

Last month we asked that you pray for us as we search for a church. God has directed us to “Iglesia Bautista La Promesa.” The pastor has given us the opportunity to work with the teens (los jovenes). Jeff was able to lead a Bible study with them this past weekend. The people here in the Valley speak a mix of Spanish and English. So, Jeff taught in a mixture of the two. The people of the church have accepted us and welcomed us. We have really enjoyed getting to know the body of Christ here in TX.

One of the many exciting things about being here is that there are a lot of Ecuadorians.

This allows us to learn the Ecuadorian words for some things, instead of the general

Spanish word. A good example for this would be the word for car. In some places they

use the word “coche” other places they use “automovil” and in others they use “carro.”

Being here with Ecuadorians, we know that Ecuador uses “carro.”

In closing, we are excited to share that God has provided 92% of the monthly support for our coworkers, the Woodfins! This increase in their support allows them to join us at RGBI next semester – praise God! We are thankful for these friends and the opportunity to serve with them in Ecuador!

Simon Says:

Simon continues to learn and grow. He is making friends with many of the Latin students on campus. He is very interested in animals and making animal sounds. He continues to love reading and playing outside. This month he made a new furry friend!


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: God remembers us 2. Praise: Blessings of staying in one place

3. Praise: Woodfin's support level – 92% 4. Pray: Upcoming Midterms 5. Pray: Constant dependence on God

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