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Seasons of a change and an unchanging God | September 2023

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,

with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

~ James 1:17 ~

As we enter October, those of you in the States are probably experiencing the delightful transition between summer and fall. In Ecuador, we will soon be entering the rainy season, which means warmer temperatures here in the Southern Hemisphere. Whether you have four different seasons or only two, we all experience seasons of change in our lives. Sometimes the seasons are expected like the regular climate changes of the year. Other seasons come upon us unexpectedly, bringing unforeseen storms or challenges. Regardless of the season we are in, we serve a God who has neither variation nor shadow due to change. He sends seasons of joy and trial as gifts to shape and mold us into His image. Praise God that He is our stability and surety, both in the predictable seasons and the unexpected times.

There are not many “new” things to share regarding our regular ministries. They have continued as normal without much novelty. We haven’t been able to meet with Lucía due to her work schedule. Her sister passed away this past month, so that has been a great challenge for her.

One thing that has occupied our minds for some time is a time of transition for our field. In our July update, we shared how we believe that God wants us to continue serving in Riobamba. One influencing factor in that decision is that in January, Kevin and Trina Mayfield will be transitioning to the States in order to focus more on their role as Area Leader for Latin America. While we will certainly miss their presence here, we are thankful for God’s direction in their lives and we rejoice that they are following His clear leading. Meanwhile, there is still a church plant in progress here. We are committed to seeing this church reaching nationalization, and we believe it is best to stay in Riobamba until that takes place. Please pray for Kevin and Trina as they prepare for this major transition. Please pray for us and the remaining teammates, The Woodfin and Cruz families, and we continue the ministry here.

Another matter that we have been praying about and discussing is our furlough. Our delay in communicating this information has been related to the upcoming transition and deciding on the proper timing for the ministry and our team. We are excited to share that we are planning a furlough beginning next summer. We have already notified our supporting churches, and we are in the early stages of scheduling. We covet your prayers as we make plans for that season. If you would like to give towards travel expenses for furlough (gas, vehicle needs, lodging), you can do so HERE.

This weekend the men have an overnight camping retreat. The theme is on commitment to the Lord. Over the past few months, we have seen a wane in the commitment of the men in the church. We need solid male leaders as we seek to train them to do the work of the ministry. Please pray that this retreat will rekindle their commitment to God and spur them on to faithfulness.

On October 15th, Ecuador will hold its final presidential election. Please pray that God would give the believers wisdom in voting for the right candidate. May God have mercy on Ecuador and provide a good leader for our country. There is a long history of political turmoil, and we pray for some tranquility to help develop the country. These uncertain times remind us that true peace and stability does not come from a person, but from God who holds all things together.

We have our Latin American Field Conference October 23-27. We are excited to meet the other BMW missionaries who serve throughout Latin America. After the conference, about half of the group will return to Riobamba with us so they can see the ministry here, then we will do some sightseeing in Quito before they leave. We anticipate a busy but fruitful time of fellowship!


The Double Scoop:

Simon turned 5 this month, and he has now lived in Ecuador for more of his life than he has in the States! In fact, Lisa is the only one in the family who has spent the majority of her life in the US. Titus is now 18 months old. We would appreciate your prayers for him as he will be in a nursery during the conference. He is still very attached to Mama and doesn’t like to be away from her.


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: Our unchanging God!

2. Pray: Kevin and Trina’s transition to the US

3. Pray: Furlough planning

4. Pray: Men’s retreat this weekend

5. Pray: Presidential election on October 15th

6. Pray: Latin American Field Conference Oct 23-27


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Our hearts are burdened for the Ecuadorian people who have never heard the Gospel, people who have been blinded by traditions and customs. We hope to reach these people with the love of Christ. Our desire is to build the church by evangelizing the lost, making disciples and training leaders. 

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