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The Lord's Servant | July 2023 |

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

“And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” ~ 2 Timothy 2:24-26 ~

It has often been said, “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” During our short time in Ecuador, we have seen this to be true. As we have worked to build relationships with the nationals, we’ve had to learn the importance of asking questions and showing interest in them. They don’t care about the degrees we bring with us, nor the experience we have. 2 Timothy 2 provides instruction on how we should interact with those around us - not quarrelsome, kind, patient, gentle. They want to know that we care - we are not judging or criticizing them, but rather, able to empathize, show compassion, and encourage. With time, hearts soften, trust is built, and doors are open to share God’s Word. May God help us to grow into the right kind of servants, that God may “grant them repentance, leading to a knowledge of the truth.”

God has been working in amazing ways in our little corner of the world. While we know God is always working in unseen ways, it is encouraging when He gives us a glimpse of what He is doing. Yesterday we were able to celebrate the baptisms of 4 individuals in our church, and it was a great time of rejoicing. We are so thankful to be part of what God is doing in Ecuador!

Last month, Jeff began a new Bible study that developed from the Saturday night soccer group. We are thankful for the fruit God has given from this ministry! It is kind of a hybrid study in that it is discipling men who desire to learn how to study God’s Word and share the Gospel, but it is always evangelistic in that there are unbelievers in attendance.

Another new opportunity is another hybrid study with a believer named Lucía. She also desires to grow in her knowledge of God’s Word. Her unsaved neighbors, Edgar and Nely, have also been attending. Due to everyone’s schedules, this study typically happens in the morning. This has allowed all of us to go as a family. While it can be challenging, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve together, and we pray that God will use this as a teaching opportunity for our boys.

We are thankful for God’s work in the life of a teen named Naomy. She and her family have been going through a difficult trial which caused her to question God’s love and His purposes. Lisa spent some time talking with Naomy and reading Scripture, and she trusted in Christ for salvation! She said that God allowed this to happen so that she would accept Christ as her Savior. Now, Lisa has the privilege discipling her. Praise God!

Something interesting to note is that most of these new studies and ministry opportunities have come from relationships we have been building for the past 1.5-2 years. This has reminded us of the importance of patience and consistency. Sometimes this means being willing to change your plans when someone calls at the last minute, or staying until midnight after soccer in order to talk. It can be hard to continue pursuing a relationship, especially when it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. We are so thankful for God’s help and for His work in the hearts of those around us.

A few people have asked us about our plans to move to another city. At this point in time, we believe that God wants us to wait. We still have the desire to pursue La Troncal, but at this time, that door has not opened as we previously thought. We are trusting God for His timing and direction, but while we wait, we are keeping busy with what God has placed in front of us.

This weekend, one of Jeff’s sisters and her family will be visiting for 10 days. We are thankful for the time with family! After this visit, Simon will be starting kindergarten. He really enjoys learning and we are excited for this year! Lisa also has the opportunity to teach the ladies on the 19th. On August 20th, nationwide elections will take place to elect a new president and completely new legislators. This is a crucial time for our country, and we appreciate your prayers!

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us!

The Mayfield Family


The Double Scoop:

We continue to pray for the salvation of our boys, especially Simon. He continues to grow in his understanding of the Gospel, and we pray that these truths will penetrate his heart, rather than stay in his mind. Titus continues to grow and learn new things. Along with this comes a lot of correcting and teaching, and we find that as we train our children, God is training us. We are so thankful for God’s help as we grow as parents!


Praise and Prayer:

1. Praise: Baptisms (7/30)

2. Praise: God’s work in the lives of believers

3. Praise: New Bible studies

4. Pray: Upcoming elections taking place on August 20th

5. Pray: Salvation of our boys; wisdom in parenting


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