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The Sum of Your Words - July 2021

"The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.”

~ Psalm 119:160 ~

The sum, the totality of God’s Word is truth. This means that not one ounce of untruth exists in God’s Word! What a blessing it is for us to be able to bring this truth to the people of Ecuador. The validity and authority of God’s Word is one of our first focus points when we begin a new Bible study. If people are going to follow Christ, they must understand that the Bible is inspired by God, profitable, and true. Praise God for His unfailing Word!

This was the first month that we celebrated an American holiday away from family and friends. Some may view this as sad. For us, it was a fun time to do something special as a family. In one of the Bible Institute classes, a student asked Jeff if he missed being back in the US. Jeff’s response was no. He was able to share that when we are in the will of God, we should not look elsewhere for satisfaction. That doesn’t mean that we never miss things, but we must remind ourselves that we are doing what God desires, and this gives us great joy!

This month was filled with everyday tasks and many ministry opportunities. Upon arriving in Ecuador, we joined a ministry that executes all three facets of our ministry philosophy: Evangelizing the lost by meeting people and developing evangelistic Bible Studies, Discipling Believers as we assist a developing church plant, and Training Leaders through the Bible Institute on Mondays and Fridays. On a daily basis, we strive to meet people and build relationships with them for the purpose of establishing Bible studies. The church plant, Iglesia Cristiana Sublime Gracia, is in the very beginning stages of a church. It consists of first-generation believers that are growing in their walk with the Lord.

Currently, there is only one Bible study. This is our primary area of focus. We develop strategies to meet people. We try to find the best ways to put ourselves in the lives of other people with whom we can share the Gospel. This month we have not had as many chances to share with people. However, there is one individual who seems to have taken an interest in spiritual things.

Please pray for Naylín, a university student who has expressed interest in coming to church. Since she is an unbeliever, our goal is not to simply bring her to church, but rather start a Bible study with her so that she can understand the Gospel. This month has given us much to think about in regard to placing ourselves in locations where we can rub shoulders with people. The park has seemed to be a good place to meet people, but the consistency of the other individuals returning is sporadic. Recently, Jeff reached out to one of his friends from his teen years in Ecuador. God has given small opportunities to share with Andrés. Please pray for more opportunities.

The Bible Institute is still going strong with over 25 students on Mondays, and over 10 on Fridays. We are always encouraged and excited about the believers’ desire to study God’s Word. The current classes are helpful to us because on Monday they are Personal Evangelism and Soteriology. On Fridays they are New Testament Survey and Bibliology and Ecclesiology.

As we look ahead to next month, we anticipate the return of Kevin and Trina Mayfield. Their return was delayed, but Lord-willing they will return next weekend. There are still orientation objectives that we are working on completing: reading about Ecuador history, visiting historical sites and our required daily activities. We hope to begin another Bible study in the coming months with Luís, who was saved a couple months ago. His wife is the only other believer in his family, and he has a burden for his children to believe in Christ. Please pray that his family will be sensitive to the Lord leading and that the Holy Spirit would open their eyes for understanding.

Last month we mentioned that we need several certified documents from the US in order to obtain our Ecuadorian driver’s license. We were able to request those documents and certifications, and they were completed in time for Kevin and Trina to bring them back. Praise God!

Simon Says:

This month, I met a friend named Thiago. He is 5 months younger than I am, and we have fun playing at the park while Mommy and Daddy talk to his family. I am learning how to sit like a good boy in church while Mommy and Daddy help with the music. I love learning the Spanish songs.


Praise and Prayer:

Praise: The sum of God’s Word is true

Praise: Bible Institute going well

Praise: Documents for driver’s license

Pray: Opportunities to share with Naylín and Andrés

Pray: Development of more Bible studies

Pray: Wisdom in developing new ways to meet people

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