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"To be, or not to be?" | June 2023 |

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”

- Romans 8:28–29 -

In the Spanish language, there are two words that communicate the verb “be.” One is used more for qualities, descriptions, and characteristics. The other is used as temporary conditions or states, locations, and actions happening at the moment of speaking. Choosing the correct verb can prove to be challenging, but when you consider changes due to tenses, people, and numbers, that adds another level of difficulty. Lisa was recently discussing this at a ladies’ meeting, and the Ecuadorian ladies commented that “to be” is hard to learn in English. Lisa jokingly said that “to be,” or to live or exist, is difficult, regardless of your culture or language. Fortunately, for us as believers, God gives clear instruction for how we are to be, and He works in our life to mold us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Praise God for His orchestration of the events of our life for our good (growth!) and His glory!

Thank you to those who prayed for our recent trip to the States. We were able to accomplish a lot of important things that we haven’t been able to take care of here in Ecuador. Considering the fact that it took us two years to obtain our Ecuadorian driver’s license, we were so surprised at how easy it was to take care of these matters. We also enjoyed a brief time with family, and we had the opportunity to provide an update at a supporting church. Jeff was able to preach one 2 Timothy 2, which is part of our foundation of training leaders.

Thank you to those who have been praying for Jeffrey’s grandmother, Sandra Mayfield. She suffered a stroke in May, and we are thankful for the improvement she is showing. Please continue to pray for her recovery and for wisdom in determining the best ways to care for her.

We are happy to be back home, and we are back into our regular ministries. Recently, the leadership women of the church began a new book study. We are studying a book that focuses on 10 ways that God calls us to reflect His image. Rather than asking “What should I do?” we should be asking “Who should I be?” We are looking forward to learning more about our wonderful God and His desire for our growth. We meet once a month, and it is always a special time together.

Back in April, Jeff began a Saturday night soccer group with men from our church. The purpose of this group has been to build relationships that will eventually lead to Bible studies. God has blessed this endeavor, and there are many people who show up, believers and unbelievers. As a result of this, tomorrow Jeff will be starting a new weekly Bible study. We praise God for this opportunity! Please pray that more people will desire to study and understand God’s Word through this ministry.

We are excited to share that we will be having another baptism on July 30th. This is a big step of obedience in a Christian's walk, so it is exciting to see believers follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in baptism. Please pray for those who are getting baptized, that they will continue to show faithfulness and spiritual growth.

On May 17th, Ecuador’s president dismissed the current government (including himself) due to corruption and incompetence. The goal of his actions is to elect new and better legislators that will create a better future for Ecuador. The first round of elections will be held next month. Please pray that the Lord would raise up better leaders for our country.

We appreciate your faithful support and prayers for the ministry in Ecuador. We could not do what we are doing without you. Thank you!!

In His service and yours,

The Mayfield Family


The Double Scoop

Both boys enjoyed our time in Pennsylvania, especially because they were able to play outside in a big yard. Titus is officially walking, and he certainly enjoys "toddling" around. Lisa has been reading a children’s version of Pilgrim’s Progress to Simon. He has shown great interest in it and has been making connections with the analogies. Please pray that God would continue to work in his heart for salvation!


Praise and Prayer:

Praise: God’s work to mold us into Christ’s image

Praise: Successful and safe trip to the US

Praise: New Bible study beginning 7/4

Pray: Continued recovery for Sandra Mayfield

Pray: Baptisms on 7/30

Pray: Upcoming elections taking place in August


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