“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”
~ Romans 8:28-29 ~
On May 8-12, our annual Field Conference took place. We enjoyed the opportunity to sit under the teaching of God’s Word. Our first session focused on the fact that God is at work in all things, all the time. Our speaker used the verses above to remind us that everything is under God’s control, and He uses everything in our lives (spouses, children, coworkers, etc.) to conform us to the image of Christ. The challenge is this: Are we stiff and resistant to what God wants to do in us, or are well clay that can be easily molded? May we have a heart of brokenness that responds well to God’s work in our lives!
Where we’ve been
As referenced above, last month we attended the Ecuador Field Conference. We were challenged, encouraged, and strengthened through the sessions. Our speaker and his wife, Ryan and Teresa Petgen, are part of the Member Care team at BMW, our missions organization. As Ryan taught the adults, Teresa prepared a special program for all the kids. We are so thankful for their ministry to us during the conference!
The Lord has allowed Jeff to start a new Bible study on Thursday nights. It is a hybrid study that is either evangelistic or discipleship-oriented, depending on who attends each week. This is the first study that Jeff is doing on his own, and we covet your prayers as he prepares and leads the studies each week.
Last week, we enjoyed a wonderful visit from Lisa’s parents. It was exciting for them to come and see our home, some of our ministries, and meet some of the people we know and love. Of course, they enjoyed spending time with Simon and Titus. Family time is always precious, and our hearts are filled with thanks to God for giving us this blessing.
What we’re up to
This month, our Wednesday night meetings will transition from Zoom to in-person meetings. We are looking forward to meeting in different homes of church members each week. This weekend there are four individuals who are going to be baptized. Praise God for His work in their hearts!
As we enter the summer months, we begin a busier time of ministry for us. Kevin and Trina will be gone for most of the summer, so we will have extra ministry opportunities in their absence. Lisa has the opportunity to lead the monthly ladies’ Bible study on the book of Hebrews. Please pray for her, as this is her first time leading a study by herself. Jeff will have several preaching opportunities, and he will also serve as Kevin’s substitute teacher for the Friday night Bible Institute.
Another upcoming ministry opportunity concerns a place called Aguas Frías. This is a town located on the coastal plains of Ecuador. There is a small group of believers there, but they lack training and discipleship. Prior to the pandemic, Kevin and Marco had several opportunities to do some leadership training. Now that things are normalizing, the leaders have asked our team to assist them once a month. Please pray for Kevin, Marco, Jeff, and Bobby as they take turns traveling to minister to these believers.
Thank you so much for supporting us through your prayers and giving. As we often say, we could not do what we are doing without you!
In His service and yours,
Jeff, Lisa, Simon, & Titus
The Double Scoop:
Titus put in quite a few miles in his car seat this past month. Between trips to Quito and our Field Conference, he is becoming a good little traveler. He met his Stateside grandparents for the first time, and he certainly enjoyed all the extra cuddles. Simon enjoyed the children’s' classes during our field conference, especially the songs that they sang. His highlight this month was being with his Teama and Pawpaw. He says that his favorite part was playing games with them.
Praise and Prayer:
Praise: Good Field Conference
Praise: New ministry opportunities
Praise: Visit from Lisa’s parents
Pray: Baptism on 6/5
Pray: Busy season over the summer
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